The training schedule of the goalkeeper is a delicate balance of work to rest intervals and one must recognize the physiological demands of the game and when to apply them on a weekly and monthly basis according to games, days off and the work load of the goalkeeper in other portions of training.
Dr. Cone is one of the leading sports scientists in the field and, as a former goalkeeper and goalkeeper coach, he has a unique appreciation for the position and it’s requirements.
After feedback from the #IGCC16, Dr. Cone was asked to run a field session to show some exercises and demonstrate an appropriate work to rest ratio within a session. As luck would have it the weather cooperated and the showers allowed Dr. Cone the ability to make sure that the demonstrating goalkeepers temperatures weren’t too high and that they were properly hydrated by the rain.

Dr.Cone emphasized the necessity for a structured stretching and warm up routine. Starting with gross motor movements and then building to smaller more refined movements as the goalkeepers became looser, warmer and more ready to train. As with many coaches and educators, the best thing about Dr.Cone is that he is exceptionally personable and the information he gives is easy to understand and apply to every level of the game. Sometimes when watching sessions we as coaches must understand that some of the exercises may not be revolutionary but the emphasis on information and the timing and application of the information is what’s critical.
Dr. Cone is a highly sought after educator and specialist and his ability to train goalkeepers is also of the highest level. The very nature of the weekly training plan of the goalkeeper is something that Dr.Cone stressed. Considering that the game day is physiologically a day off for the goalkeeper, the day before and after a game can typically be monitored with some more high intensity activation exercises for the goalkeepers. This is something that we as coaches must get a grasp on and should monitor. I personally use the Catapult G5 units with my goalkeepers to ensure that they are not over trained or worse under trained throughout the season. The understanding and experience of the coach is also critical, as Dr. Cone pointed out. We must educate ourselves on the periodization of the year, season, month, week and even singular training sessions based around the needs of the team and the balance of training for the #1, #2 and #3 goalkeeper.
I always enjoy John’s (Dr. Cone) information and his presentation style and who can argue when he has quad’s that would make most people jealous.
I certainly hope that those in attendance got the most from John’s presentation and have used his information wisely. I know that each time I talk to John I learn a tremendous amount, as well as more words with more than 3 syllables.
All joking aside, I have known John for many years and he is a tremendous resource and it was an honor to have him at the #IGCC17. On another personal note I would like to congratulate John and his wife on the recent birth of their son. Thank you Dr. Cone and Congrats!